3 Affirmations to Support Healthy Boundaries for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

This week’s blog is short but sweet. In last week’s blog, I explored WHY it is so difficult for HSPs and Empaths to set healthy boundaries. Understanding the WHY can help us deepen our self-knowledge and self-compassion, and get us ready to take active steps toward setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.

The boundaries that HSP and Empath parents tend to struggle with are energetic and emotional. For example, many of us struggle with burning ourselves out in order to care for others, including our children! We also may find ourselves saying “yes” to commitments (kids sports, PTA/PTO, additional work responsibilities) when we truly don’t have the time, energy, or desire to say yes. Finally, we may struggle setting boundaries with the expectations of society or those in our inner circle. I hear from many HSP parents that it is really difficult to hold boundaries with their own parents or family members, who may have very different expectations about parenting and life choices.

All that said, I’d like to offer three powerful affirmations that support healthy boundary setting and maintenance for Highly Sensitive parents:

It is not my responsibility to manage other people's emotional responses - my duty is to take good care of myself and my family. 

Even when I feel guilty about "rocking the boat," I can trust that I have the right to make healthy choices. 

When other people don't accept my decisions/boundaries, I am able to hold firm rather than giving in to help them feel more comfortable.

Do any of these resonate with you?  I encourage you to pick one or two affirmations and write them down in a place where you will see them regularly.  Let the truth of these affirmations sink in, and let them support you towards healthier boundaries. 

Looking for more support with boundary-setting and other challenging aspects of HSP Parenthood?  Check out our Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course, which offers expert guidance and support just for HSP and Empath parents.

written by Amy Lajiness, HSP Parent Coach and Educator


4 Ways to say "No" as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person


Why is it so difficult to set boundaries as an HSP or Empath?