The Gifts of Sensitivity and Being an HSP

As I was looking over my previous blog posts and planning to write my next batch, I was dismayed to discover that I had never written a dedicated blog about the Gifts of Sensitivity!  Given that one of my driving values as the creator of Highly Sensitive Parenthood is to empower parents and children to celebrate their sensitivity, this is a big oversight - and I apologize!  I definitely go into depth about the positive aspects of the HSP trait in my Courses, but I want to take some time here on the blog to recognize the many gifts of being an HSP.  If you’re new to the HSP trait, make sure you also check out my blog on “What is an HSP and how do I know if I am Highly Sensitive?”

First of all, HSPs experience a greater Depth of Processing than do non-HSPs.  This means that we tend to think more deeply, take additional time to process, and are able to see situations from a variety of perspectives.  We tend to make decisions that are well thought out and reflective of our values, meaning that we tend to avoid careless mistakes (at least on a large scale).  For HSP parents, this can mean being intentional about how we parent our children, making wise decisions on behalf of our families (and ourselves), and offering our families a nuanced understanding of life rather than just glossing over the more challenging aspects of experience.

Furthermore, HSPs exhibit enhanced Empathy and Emotional Intelligence.  We are able to easily understand the emotions of others, and often have a sense of how to respond in helpful ways when others are struggling.  Additionally, we tend to bond deeply with others and recognize when something is “off” within our relationships or with our loved ones’ well-being. As Highly Sensitive parents, we may feel a deep connection with our children, which can include an ability to empathize with and understand their emotions, even if they seem irrational or inscrutable to other adults in their life.  This can help us to respond quickly and effectively when our children (or other loved ones) are upset.

Lastly, HSPs tend to experience enhanced Sensitivity to Subtle Stimuli.  We are attuned to small details and the beauty of the world around us, and can take deep enjoyment from this!  Of course, there can be challenges here, too, such as being overstimulated by chaotic environments or changes in routine.  By and large, though, this sensitivity means that HSPs are uniquely able to enjoy sensory experiences such as listening to music, enjoying the beauty of a loved one, and noticing the view rather than just rushing through life.  For parents who are Highly Sensitive, this can equate to a deep enjoyment of our children’s beauty - for example, my sons’ eye colors, smiles, and the smattering of freckles across their noses never cease to bring me joy, even in moments where I am frustrated or challenged by parenting them.  Additionally, this sensitivity to subtle stimuli naturally leads to HSP parents creating calm, beautiful environments and lives for our children - or at least, working towards this in a world that is becoming increasingly chaotic and demanding.

So there you have it - just a few of the many gifts of being a Highly Sensitive person and how they can benefit HSP parents and their children and families.  I also recognize that the HSP trait shows up differently for everybody, and your experience might run counter to what I’ve highlighted, or include gifts and benefits that I didn’t outline here!  I’d love for you to share your own experiences of being an HSP and/or HSP parent below in the comments section.  And if you’re interested in digging deeper into your HSP trait, check out the many resources available at!


3 Signs of Sensory Overwhelm and Overstimulation in Highly Sensitive Adults


Trusting Your Intuition in Parenting HSP Kids