Is My Child Highly Sensitive?

Have you ever wondered if your child is Highly Sensitive?  

While all children have preferences, emotions, and moments of sensitivity, around 15-20% of children exhibit the trait of High Sensitivity.  The HSP trait is equally represented across genders and cultures, and is simply a trait (like height or introversion), not a flaw or a diagnosis.  Gaining a deeper understanding of the trait of High Sensitivity will help empower you to better appreciate and support your unique child.

The pioneering researcher behind this trait, Elaine Aron, Ph.D., has created an acronym that helps us recognize Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), including Highly Sensitive Children (HSCs).  I’ve adapted the DOES acronym with descriptions of how it may show up for HSCs:

Not all HSC’s exhibit each of the above tendencies, but you’ll likely recognize some of them in your child if they are indeed Highly Sensitive.  Elaine Aron, Ph.D. has created an HSP Assessment for Children which can offer more clarity on whether or not your child could be Highly Sensitive. 

If you feel that your child is Highly Sensitive - celebrate!  HSPs have so much to offer the world.  They tend to be thoughtful, curious, and loving towards others.  You might also notice, however, that being Highly Sensitive comes with its challenges.  Perhaps your child is bullied at school for crying easily, or you notice that your infant or toddler becomes distressed when in new situations or environments.  Older children may feel “the weight of the world” on their shoulders and have difficulty managing the depth of their emotions and empathy.

Whatever your child’s unique gifts and challenges, I have a wonderful resource to offer you.  Based on my professional and personal experience with Highly Sensitive Children (HSC’s), I’ve developed an online, video-based course called “Supporting Your Highly Sensitive Child” that helps parents and caregivers to better understand, support, and advocate for their Sensitive Kids.  It’s a comprehensive resource with information, printable resources, and simple but powerful tools to not only support your child, but to teach them to be an empowered Highly Sensitive Person.

You can find more about the “Supporting Your Highly Sensitive Child” Course by clicking the button below.


3 Things to Say to your Highly Sensitive Child


The Benefits of Crying for Sensitive Parents